An authentic breakthrough in social work education.

Welcome to Routledge’s New Directions in Social Work series, developed in collaboration with leading social work scholars, educators, and practitioners. Here you will find an innovative, integrated series that offers a focused, distinctive and flexible teaching strategy for generalist courses in the social work curriculum, at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The series integrates five textbooks with custom websites hosting interactive cases, companion readings, and a wealth of resources to enrich the teaching and learning experience.

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Meets EPAS Standards

All textbooks, interactive cases, and test materials are designed to match the most recent CSWE Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS).

Access to Digital Content

Series web portal provides easy access and connects students and instructors to a wide range of instructor-made resources.

Not Just Bricks and Mortar

The series is flexible and provides ready-made materials that can be used in online distance-learning courses, as well as hybrid and more traditional in-person courses.

Learn by Doing

Six interactive, fictional cases featuring complex characters and elaborate situations are geared to emulate field experience and enable students to learn by “doing” the actual work they will be responsible for as professionals.